
Inter-Connected Goals in Diversity Education

There is a lot of activity around diversity education right now. As I see it, the activity focuses on two inter-connected goals. One goal is to create a more inclusive school culture and learning experiences for both staff and students. The complementary goal is to equip students to be citizens and professionals who aim to make the world fair and just for all. Principles of inclusion, lifelong learning and authenticity guide these activities. Read more


Reflections on inclusive educational practice, diversifying and decolonising the curriculum

Social biases, stereotypes and stigmas linked to protected groups (see Equality Act) are disrupting education for students. This happens in various ways: from the triggering of stereotype threat which compounds learners’ emotional and cognitive loads (Bullock et al, 2020) to restricting a sense of belonging and not feeling safe in coming forward with concerns or struggles faced (e.g. in terms of mental health or specific learning difficulties). Read more

Time for change as Black Lives Matter

We are committee members of DIMAH (Diversity in Medicine and Health), a national collaborative organisation in the UK. We write in response to Black Lives Matter movement and the international response to the police murder of George Floyd on 25 May 2020 in the USA. Read more

Modern slavery teaching

I wondered if anyone saw the interview this morning on BBC breakfast television about modern slavery? Is anyone from DIMAH currently running sessions about this with medical students? I am aware, through the UKCCC, that Cardiff Uni have developed a session on this but unfortunately I wasn’t at the meeting where it was presented.