We are celebrating 10 years of DIMAH! To find out more about our 3rd National Conference click here
As the Chair of the Diversity in Medicine and Health Group I am delighted to welcome you to our website. The focus is currently on the learning and teaching of diversity to medical students to help them deliver high quality care to patients from diverse backgrounds. However, we are aware that this applies equally to the training of students in all health disciplines and also applies to postgraduate trainees.

A Higher Education Academy workshop in 2010 identified that in nearly a decade there had been little progress in the UK in the development of diversity teaching. Many of the issues identified in 2003 remained, including the lack of clarity about what diversity teaching is, problems with engaging students in learning related to diversity, assessment of diversity, the lack of faculty buy in for diversity education and those with the responsibility for teaching diversity feeling isolated and not sufficiently competent to run teaching in this area. The workshop led to the establishment of a national working group ‘Diversity in Medicine and Healthcare’ (DIMAH) with the following remit:
Develop a workable definition of diversity
Design a core curriculum for diversity education
Gain institutional support
Develop and share materials to support staff and faculty development
Develop opportunities for inter-professional learning
We thank you for your patience as this website is being developed and refurbished to include new features like a question-answer forum and online resources helpful in teaching, learning and research.