DIMAH Meeting Minutes: University of Bedfordshire 14th October 2016

Minutes DIMAH Meeting held on 14 October 2016. University of Bedfordshire.

Present: Nisha Dogra (Chair), Angela Rowlands, Shuangyu Li, Riya George, Enam-ulHaque, Candan Ertubey, Pete LeDwick, Margot Turner, Wendy Lowe and Jia Liu.


1. Apologies

Rebecca Farrington, Barry Ewart, Nicki Cohen, Louise Dubras, Larry Day, AarO Bansal, Jon  Ward, Kam Bhui.


2. Minutes from the last meeting

Agreed as a true record.


3. Matters Arising and Action Points from the last meeting

  • Pete had been asked to delay sending out his email to organisations to offer support workshops until this was discussed further.
  • Enam had received no podcasts to date from the committee members. They were encouraged to do so. Nisha has one entitled ‘why join DIMAH?’ that she will forward to  Enam.
  • Barry has sent a write up of Leeds’s action points from the May conference and they have been published on the website.
  • Enam produced a tweet for his international Twitter followers encouraging them to join DIMAH.
  • Additional action points were addressed later on in the meeting.


4. Membership update – Pete.

Pete reported that he had followed up unpaid invoices. 7 institutes have now joined plus 6 individuals. In addition there is 1 pending application and St George’s and Candan said that they will join. Pete felt that the difficulties in the payment system might have delayed a few applicaOons. Pete asked the group to consider what could be done to make sure we retained these members.

Action: It was decided that some of the medical schools that had not joined should be followed up by the commiVee members who worked closely with them at the conference:

Nisha – Cardiff, Keele, Edinburgh, Oxford, Cambridge, The Royal Colleges and Plymouth.

Candan – Newcastle

Margot – UCL, Dundee and Southampton.

Angela – Leeds.

Riya and Enam – Exeter, E Anglia, Hull and York.

Wendy agreed to tell Dundee and HCPC about DIMAH.

Pete and Shuangyu – Sheffield

It was agreed that when institutional members leave their posts and are replaced by new colleagues John should be informed.


5. Conference updates

Nisha, Rebecca and Margot had attended the AMEE conference. Margot had led a session on Assessment and Diversity. The conference had a diversity stream. Nisha was part of a symposium and found people had different perspectives on diversity educaOon. Some of the work is at a more basic level than might be of relevance or interest to us. She suggested having a stall at the next AMEE conference in Helsinki (August 2017) to promote the work of DIMAH and encourage membership.

Nisha and Shuangyu had aVended the EACH in Heidelberg in September and found that there was more integraOon of diversity in medical education in the presentations that they attended. Shuangyu chaired a meeting of the SIG that he and Angela are involved in entitled
Language and Cultural Discordance in Healthcare Communication. They have submitted a grant proposal for research funding from the Welcome Trust.

Pete and Enam were encouraged to do a GP post grad presentaOon at the RCGP conference.

Nisha encouraged the group to submit abstracts for the ASME conference (June 2017) in Exeter and suggested that we could have our summer meeting there. In addition there is the ICCH conference (October 2017) in Baltimore.

Enam is facilitating a Skype project with other countries. These involve student led discussions with students from other countries to learn about their medical cultures.


6. Papers/reports/disseminations

Shuangyu shared funding opportunities with the group:

Links to The Wellcome Trust funding for social sciences and AHRC standard call: https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding/scheme-finder?type=94

He noted that AHRC’S call has closed for 2016 but it is hoped that a new round will open, so suggested keep checking their website:


Enam is writing up his project called Mind Your Language and asked the group for feedback.

Nisha’s pain project with a BalOmore University on the diversity component of pain has started. It involves the training of researchers. The work will be presented at the American Pain Conference in Texas. A framework will be developed.

Aarti and Nisha have had an editorial accepted by the BriOsh Journal of Hospital Medicine
on diversity.


7. Liaison with other groups

Candan is receiving regular information from CAIPE and shared an update with the group.  Jon, Candan and Shuangyu are taking a lead on an article for CAIPE’s journal.

Nisha has had a meeOng with the GMC and reported that it was felt that we were missing the Medical Schools’ Council element and that diversity education felt fragmented. It was felt that it needed to be pulled together and that DIMAH could be involved academically. It was felt that it would be useful to have the Royal Colleges on board. Nisha has communicated with a member of the UK Council for Teachers of Professionalism in order to collaborate. Nisha will invite her to our next meeOng. One of their projects team is involved in end of life care. They have included this in the high level outcomes/descriptors in the framework for generic professional capabiliOes. A roundtable is being held on 31 October 2016, 10.30am – registraOon, 11am start, 4.20pm finish at GMC offices, Regents Place, 350 Euston Road, London NW. We were invited to send a delegate.


8. Project Updates

Candan is evaluaOng psychology cultural competence updates.


9. Website Review

The ongoing development of the website was discussed. More input from committee members was encouraged so it doesn’t stagnate. Difference ways of using website were  discussed including webinars and Twitter discussions.


10. CPD discussion: The Future of DIMAH

During the last meeting it had been discussed that we might like to offer support workshops to other organisations to help them with their diversity teaching. Although a couple of committee members still felt that this would be useful, Nisha felt that she saw our relationship with other organisations as a 2 way community rather than senng us up as experts. It was decided that we should ask the membership what they wanted from DIMAH.

Action: Nisha to compose email.

We agreed that we could host webinars and TwiVer discussions for our members. Enam gave a demonstraOon of how TwiVer chat could be used for such a discussion. We agreed to use the hashtag #DIMAHUK and set some dates for Twitter discussions.

Enam will host the first one entitled Cultural Competence vs Diversity at 830pm on Wednesday 2 November.

Riya will host ‘Charter marks what’s driving diversity in medical educa-on?’ at 830pm on  Wednesday 7 December.

Shyangyru will host the third at 830pm on Wednesday 4 Jan. Title to be decided.

It was suggested that we should publish the contents of the discussions and embed podcasts when we adverOse these sessions.
Action: Enam to write a Twitter guide.


11. Any other business



12. Next meeting

3 Feb 2017 Birmingham (to be confirmed)

New Members Welcome.